Monday, December 9, 2013

The Last Week of Classes...

I had a great time with all of you over the last couple of weeks of "goodbye" classes.  It has been a great semester and I hope that everybody who came to class found something useful that they could use in their teaching.

I also announced last week, that after 6 years of teaching in the YL-TESOL program for Sookmyung I will not be returning to teach next semester.  I have enjoyed my time here, the work I have done and the teachers who have allowed me to be a part of their lives.  However, at this time I need to take a break and spend some time with my family and also focus on my academic work.  I will still maintain this blog and will be available to any alumni who need questions answered, recommendations written or would just like to meet for a cup of coffee!

Best Wishes,

Joey Croner